Asseen O

Hector's Bell Container from Breaking Bad

Remix Model
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Hector's Bell Container from Breaking Bad 3d model
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Hector's Bell Container from Breaking Bad 3d model
Hector's Bell Container from Breaking Bad 3d model
Hector's Bell Container from Breaking Bad 3d model
Hector's Bell Container from Breaking Bad 3d model
Hector's Bell Container from Breaking Bad 3d model

Is this really a special replica of Hector's Bell that's also a container? You're gosh darn right!

From As Seen on 3D comes the Hector's Bell Container, the perfect way to show your love of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and to stash your favorite blue stuff (in my case it's blue machinable wax shavings from a CNC machine). You can store blue M&Ms, blue Skittles, or to really have fun a freak out your friends and coworkers: blue rock candy!

The bell container comes with two different lids. The first lid has the plunger built in and is decorative, of course. The second lid and plunger are designed to print separately and connected with glue and a nail of added strength. This also gives you the option of adding a sound module if you want in order to make it ring or say Hector stuff.

Enjoy Hector's Bell, and if you like it then you should put a ring in it. ;)


23 Likes34 DownloadsJuly 31, 2023

23 Likes34 DownloadsJuly 31, 2023